Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Samsung: Super AMOLED still beats iPhone 4’s Retina Display

During Monday’s World Wide Developer Conference in San Francisco, Apple officially announced the iPhone 4. While on stage, Steve Jobs made a big deal about the new LCD-based Retina Display, which quadruples the pixel density of the iPhone 3GS current display… so tightly packed that each individual pixel is invisible to the human eye. Jobs confidently asserted that the Retina Display was far superior to existing alternatives… particularly AMOLED panels.

Samsung’s not having any of it. While conceding that the Retina Display’s 960×640 panel is higher resolution than their own Super AMOLED panel, a representative says that “structurally, IPC LCD technology [as in the iPhone 4] can not catch up with AMOLED display technology.”

Why? According to Samsung, AMOLED is still superior in contrast ratio, color reproduction and response time.

Worse? The high resolution of the Retina Display apparently significantly impacts battery impact. “The visibility difference is only 3 to 5 percent. But raising resolution to that level increases battery consumption by 30 percent,” the spokesman said.

Having seen side by side pictures of both the iPhone 4 and Samsung Wave, I’m not sure I agree that the visible difference is only 5%…. but Samsung may well have a point about battery life. Even so, though, Apple’s got around that by making 60% of the iPhone 4’s physical footprint made up of battery, and the iPhone 4’s still got more battery capacity than previous models. It’s a hit I think many of us can live with

Read more: salshgear

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